start your new era of work and business

neam business society

neam is a whole new era of work and business: neam team, the dream team - where everyone supports each other, where you develop yourself without any pressure, you talk nicely to yourself and trust yourself, you are ready to succeed and you have the courage to be kind and helpful to others. with education and inspiration to reach your fullest potential, a completely new state of effortless balance with work and life can be achieved.

story of neam business society

neam business society was founded by two soul sisters who jumped out of business life and started creating something on their own. on their own, quickly became together. as the first two members of neam, they started mentoring each other every morning with a cup of coffee, and magic started to happen! Now we know: with a boost of confidence and like-minded support system - we can achieve it all. and so we welcomed others to join.

neam was born from the will to do something good. we noticed how tired, unmotivated and unhappy people are. your work can leave you feeling stressed, and completely on edge. but as we spend so much time at work - it should be enjoyable, stress free and a place for development. after paying close attention and researching, the goal was simple: to create an ecosystem where entrepreneurs and other professionals could thrive and grow together. and that's exactly what we did!

 society helps. neam supports. we all inspire.

neam philosofy

in our philosophy, it is important that everyone can be the best version of themselves, and has the courage to reach their unknown potential on their entrepreneur journey.

we believe, you’re not meant to go through the journey alone - but with others sharing their wisdom and supporting you to believe in your journey. through helping, learning, and sharing experiences along with others, we can learn so much about ourselves.

we want to open conversations about entrepreneurship - with all its glory, with all its hurdles. we want to raise ideas and provoke thoughts - inspire, and to be inspired. have a sense of togetherness on this journey with other entrepreneurs.

to us, it is important to have work and life in balance, too many of us are living our lives in survival mode. in our philosophy a day in your life contains inspiration, recovery, play & laughter - as well as - getting things done, conversations with others, growing & being outside of your comfort zone. our vision is to find the sweet spot in all this; the new era of work and business.